Željko Struški – Žac

Guitar/Lead vocal

Robert Mahović – Maha

Bass/Back vocal

Mateo Češković


Mihael Mikac

Lead guitar


Kamäradi is an old school ( heavy, thrash, speed) metal band from Zagreb, founded at the end of 2014, and started by Željko Struški – Žac (guitar + lead vocals), Krešimir Rajković – Kera (bass + back vocals) and Mirko Novak – Jim (drums) – now an ex-member, who was successfully replaced by Dalibor Skadarka-Kljus, and he, at the end of 2017, by Alen Dumenčić, while Mateo Češković will take his place in 2020.

In 2022, another guitarist – Mihael Mikac – will join the band. In the second half of 2024. instead of Krešimir Rajković-Kera , Robert Mahović-Maha takes the position of bassist. The idea was to make a basic, heavy/thrash/speed metal band, without restrictions within the genre , so with welcome influences of punk and hard rock, with lyrics mostly in the Croatian language.The band is currently working on a new album that should be released in 2025, with lyrics in English.

The band 03.10.2016.g. released an EP called “Impetus,” under the label “Miner Records”(Serbia) , which contains four items.

A number of performances were played in Zagreb and throughout Croatia , as well as in Slovenia and Serbia.

A full length CD entitled “Surovo i sirovo ” was released in May 2018. and contains nine songs.

The current last album called “Metal infekcija” ( 8 new songs,”Listen Loudest label)) was released in May 2022.